Snowman's Christmas
Estudio Icone - 2010
Estudio Icone - 2010

final image
This was an in-house project created for a holiday postcardfor Studio Icone clients. Since this wasan in-house project, I only had 5 days to create the 3D assets. I was responsible for the modeling,texturing, lighting and rendering. PauloBotelho and Giselle Almeida were in charge of post-production.

detail image
For this project, I used 3DMax and Mental Ray. There were a lot of different materials todeal with in this image, and the snow and trees were particularly challenging. The trees presented a challenge since theymade the poly-count of the scene really high, but didn’t affect me too muchsince I am very organized with my layers. With this high resolution image, itwas difficult to get a soft and natural look for the fresh fallen snow. I had to explore a few different approachesbefore I was satisfied with the result.
I’ve create a short video below that shows the key steps ofthe process used to create this image. Hope you like it and happy holidays!
I’ve create a short video below that shows the key steps ofthe process used to create this image. Hope you like it and happy holidays!