Poogie Jr
personal work based on a character from Scott Altmann (http://scottaltmann.com/).

Homage to Carlos Huante
Personal project created in 2013 using 3DMax, Vray, Mari and Zbrush

Deep One
Creature concept sculpture based on The Shadow over Innsmouth from H.P Lovecraft. Character Design - 2012

Odie the dog
Odie character 3d model.
Character Design - 2012

The Blond Ninja Monkey
Personal work created in May of 2011

Fred using an iPad made of stone - the"iStone"

Solving the candle problem
I tried to come up with my own unique solution for the Duncker’s candle problem.

Vehicle created in 3DMax for a NVidia Contest.

3d Lego representation of Chuck Close

Snowman's Christmas
In-house job for Estudio Icone

Duff Beer
Personal Work

Project created at Studio Icone for Glade Advertising


Sob Nova Direção
Animation Created in 2007 for Globo Channel.

Turntable created for Souza Cruz advertising

Loreal - HydraMax
pack images for new products from L'Oreal

3d Image created foi Oi advertising

Clay Cap
Image developed for "Banco do Brasil"

A lighter that I created in 3D.

Oh boy a Toilet
Image created for S.C. Johnson advertising

Rock in Rio
Job done at Estudio Icone

Firemen's Badge
Work created at Estudio Icone for the Fire Department of Rio de Janeiro

Easter Egg
3D chocolate egg for Easter campaign

Toy Art
Work created at Estudio Icone in Brazil for advertising toys of the band Restart.

This image was a test that I created for a packaging label. I used Zspheres and Zsketch for making the liquid model, than I exported to 3d max. I used mental ray for the render.

Project created at Studio Icone

Unveiling fuel
3d image created using 3d Max and Vray

Starwars Tribute
I created this image for a Starwars contest in 2005

Prehistoric cell phone
Job done at Estúdio Ícone.
3D Wooden cell phone: Matheus Sant'Anna.
3D Stone cell phone: Delcio Gomes.
Retouching: João Marcos Britto, Leandro Peres, Matheus Sant'Anna and Delcio Gomes.
Illustration: Thiago Matos de Sul.
Art Director: André Öberg and Adelir Silva.
Copywriter: Felippe Mendonça.