The Blond Ninja Monkey
Personal Work - 2011
Personal Work - 2011

final image
I wanted to work on a new character for my portfolio and was talking about it with my girlfriend, who I jokingly refer to as a blond monkey. (She actually doesn’t look anything like a monkey!). We started talking and describing what a blond monkey would look like and what her skills would be, while I sketched the form with clay.

clay sketches
low and high models
For the modelling, I created the base in 3DMax using poly-by-poly modelling and then I exported the model to ZBrush where I created the high poly model. For posing the model, I used a basic Zsphere rig and for the UV I used UVMaster. For texturing the model, I used a combination of ZBrush, MARI and Photoshop. I completed the shading, lighting and rendering using MentalRay. Final image touches were done in Photoshop.
